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Outreach Coordinator at Enslow Park Presbyterian Church

       In 2017, Rodrigo Almeida became the Outreach Coordinator at Enslow Park Presbyterian Church in Huntington, WV. This position came due to the efforts made by him and his spouse, Michelly Frizão, to help the local community as well as nearby ones, such as Kenova, Cheasapeake (OH), Wayne County, and Dunlow. The latter, Rodrigo and Michelly help and develop activities for the local children for the Youth and Gym nights as well as during the Food Pantry offered once a month by the Cabwaylingo Presbyterian Church at the Dunlow Community Center.


      Having a background in music (classic guitarist), Rodrigo combines the music and religion to spread the word of the Lord in several venues and occasions. His main goal is to keep and bring people into the churches through music concerts. He creates a serie of music bringing/sponsoring local artists as well as future musicians (music students). He also keeps a busy tour during summertime taking the classic guitar repertoire to different churches throughout the country. The objective is to show the relation of the music and church according to the repertoire and its composers. Rodrigo also offers guitar lessons and activities for kids/teenagers who wants to develop or master this gift. 


      Rodrigo is also in charge of the Sunday School at EPPC. In order to teach God's word, he combines arts such as music, theater, with material such as videos, and books to achieve his goals. The focus are the kids. Making them feel the benefits of the arts allied to the Bible. Children enjoy to feel important and doing good, therefore, in Sunday Schools, kids have always the main role.

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